It's time.
The long awaited western room reveal is here!!
Before I share, can I just say this...
The room isn't some ground breaking design that is going to win awards for my awesomeness, but it is one thing...
Its us.
This room reflects how we live and what we love.
Its cozy and only half serious and it didn't cost a lot , which is essential for a one income family!
Now on to the reveal! (I hope you enjoy it!!)
A room reveal wouldn't be much without a before picture...
Luckily, we had a good starting point with a decent wall color that I wasn't rushing to change.
The pitched roof line posed a challenge for me and affected furniture placement greatly. It also changed how I was planning on displaying artwork. Most of the items for his room were collected for his last room (you know, normal height ceilings and generous wall space...) In here, I not only had to think about height, but what I wanted an 18 month old being able to reach.
This is the room looking in from almost the same angle as above.
You can see that I flipped the crib to the opposite wall to make room for the tent and chair to sit back in the nook created by a closet.
Here is the room looking back toward where you enter...
Can we all say "awkward" together now!?
Ha, ha!
You can see that these rooms are built into the attic space of our second story. Some might even call our house a 1 and 1/2 story. It's an amazing use of otherwise useless space, but it means every little thing I know about design was out the window.
Normal sized objects instantly become monstrous in the room...like the tee pee (my $10 Craigslist find!) that barely eeks in under the ceiling.
The bookcase only had two options for where it could go... and even then it was a snug fit.
Once all the large pieces were in the room, I was able to think about all the pretties...
I really wanted to display the old books we have. Many we've picked up at yard sales or they were sent to us from my in-laws who are in the auctioneer business out in Ohio. The lower part of the bookcase holds all the kids books that I don't mind the kids reading and the top of the bookcase plus shelves by the windows hold the vintage ones. The shelves were freebies from a friend and started off yellow (you can see them in the very first picture above), but the yellow really wasn't working with the wall color so I painted them out in Martha Stewart Ohio Buckeye. They now house mementos from mine and my husband's childhood - like the tiny rocking horse that was my husband's & vintage crochet cowboy boots that were made for my sisters and I.

We found the fun banners at an antique store - the Cincinnati one pays homage to my husbands home state of Ohio. The totally awesome Barney Rubble & Bam Bam piggy bank was nabbed by my grandparents from a flea market in Arizona. It's tradition in our family that whoever can guess the arrival date of new babies gets to buy them a piggy bank- the losers all have to put cash in it! My grandma was totally worried I wouldn't like it, but its one of my favorite things in Ever's room!
I stuck mostly to displaying books or art that contained horses and cowboys...
I was also excited that my husband's first buck fit just perfect over the bookshelf!
The coziest part of the room is the chair corner with my vintage chair and a real bear rug...
...not to mention a collection of heirloom blankets, each with special meaning...
The tattered quilt was my baby blanket as a baby, the chevron one was made for my husband (and I used it for all of Ever's monthly baby photos) , the navy blue one was made by my sister-in-law for Ever when he was born and the western fleece was made for my oldest son by my little sister. I plan on bringing in a ladder to display them better, but for now I love the mix of patterns stacked on the old ammo box.
My arrow sign fits just right above the chair! I might need to make a few more to fill the wall space towards the crib.
We scored the vintage rocking horse at a yard sale for $11!!
The kids love lounging in the tent with blankets, books and this big floor pillow I made from western handkerchiefs/bandannas!
I'm still swooning over the
vintage fabrics I used to make the curtains!
A Russel print, vintage toy spur and
a picture of our old cow Norman are fun artwork for the wall behind the tent.
Let's remember back to the before...
empty sad room...
and after...
fun, quirky, vintage goodness!!!
This list is going to pain many of you, but nearly everything in the room was second hand from either a flea market, auction, yard sale, Craigslist or one of our own treasured mementos. All have been collected over the last 18 months or so and nothing was more than a few dollars.
The only money we spent to complete the room was :
1 quart Martha Stewart Paint in Ohio Buckye - $11
Metal conduit for curtain rod - $2 (tutorial coming soon!)
I literally love walking into his room! Down the road we will have to make some adjustments - which includes transitioning this to a shared bedroom for my two boys, but for now I can bask in its doneness and enjoy the only completed room in our house!
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