( I planned on having the kitchen reveal up today, but I'm still adding final touches to it. I'll have it up Friday and you will get to enjoy this cutie today instead! Winning!)
4 months!?
My little chunk is rolling!!
Which makes for super duper interesting photo sessions...

Elynn has decided that Ellery is his most favorite person and he lights up when she is within sight or he hears her voice.
(love that extra chin!!)
I think we are going to try adding in some solids here soon so this momma can have a bit of a break at night. Hoping a little cereal or avacodo helps him sleep longer.
Also, I think he may need to be moved out of the cradle and into a the crib soon, which pretty much means big brother needs a big boy bed.
I'm dreading the transition to a shared room thing!
Do your kids share rooms?
Any tips for me?
Any suggestions for a good baby monitor (he will be upstairs and we will be down...)???
You can see past photos here:

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