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Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint

That's right...18 months after moving in we FINALLY started on our kitchen!!!

This is what our kitchen looked like when we moved in....

LOVELY reddish-brown oak cabinets. eh.

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - before

Also a nice big, but really green island.
Don't even get me started on the monster hood vent.

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - before

Right, so when we realized it was a 3 day weekend we decided to just go for it. 

Painting wasn't actually what we did first, but I'll get to that next week. 

We started by washing down everything with TSP and a rinse. Then we wiped a liquid sander over all the cabinet doors. After that we taped off everything in the kitchen - including the new sink, door hinges, appliances and half our counters as well as the entire kitchen area, 

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint taping off the kitchen

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - spraying a primer coat on the cabinets

It took some working with the gun to get it spraying right, but he finally got a couple coats of primer on.

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - primer on cabinets

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - primer coat

You can see we didn't worry to much about the island counter or the walls. Easy enough to do touch up and the counter will be going bye bye soon!

He was able to get almost 2 coats of the final color on, but then his sprayer kinda crapped out on him. It isn't the ideal sprayer for this big of a project, but considering its what we had to work with, I will take it!!

That means I get to roll all the drawer fronts by hand, as well as a final coat on all the cabinet doors. 

Oh, and I have to do it all inside because its still quite chilly here in Southern Idaho.

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - rolling drawer fronts by hand

So, where does it leave this update?

Right here,... lovely WHITE cabinets! We actually nixed all the sample colors I tested, instead choosing the same color we have been using on all the trim. I really thought I would pick a color, but in the end, classic white won my heart.

Painting the Kitchen Cabinets - Primer + Paint - Ultra Hide Semi gloss in white

So now, I'm knee deep in putting things back together and I will have a real photo shoot of the kitchen sometime next week.

I also can't wait to share what's hiding under the plastic! Its so good.

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