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Homemade Ravioli w/ Acorn Squash Filling + Chunky Zucchini Tomato Sauce {recipe}

Ever have one of those nights when you realize you have forgotten to take something out for dinner an hour before it should be served? That happened last night, I had a fabulous lunch with my Mom-in-law and so I was totally not thinking about dinner. Then I remembered that even tho I might not be starved, the hubby would be home soon and he WOULD be!

Eek! What to do??! Well, I happen to have a huge box of summer veggies from my aunt's garden and in that box happened to be be several acorn squash. I actually have never cooked with them and had no idea what they tasted of course I headed over to Pinterest to look for some ideas( I am one of those people that actually make the recipes I pin...shocking!) I came across some ideas for roasted acorn squash and THEN I saw a recipe for ravioli! That was it!

So I broke out our never used, brand new, $5, yard sale pasta maker(...yea, I know...its one of those great deals that we couldn't pass up, but I haven't had the guts to use) and set to work!

I used this great recipe for my Ravioli Dough...I will skip giving my own tutorial since this one is so good! It also shows how to make the ravioli by hand without using a pasta machine, which is handy I think! Since I do have one, I followed the directions on the box...or at least I attempted too. They are all in Italian for the most part! Lol!

I also found this recipe that inspired my filling. She also has a great tutorial and a couple filling options + a sauce! Such a cute blog too! I adapted the recipe for my own use because I didn't have all the ingredients and I obviously didn't have time to make a grocery run.

So here is my recipe for the filling...

Acorn Squash Filling

2 acorn squash
olive oil
1/2 large onion
2 cloves garlic- minced
1 egg
1/2 tsp Italian seasoning
1/4 cup sour cream

I cut my two acorn squash in half and placed them on a cookie sheet greased with olive oil, salt & pepper. I roasted them at 400 degrees for about 30 mins. While they cooked I worked on my pasta dough and got it in the fridge to rest. I also chopped my onion and garlic and sauteed it until soft. After the squash was cooked I scraped it out of the skin- I did this while it was blazing hot...if you have more time I recommend letting it cool first! I then mashed it with the onion/ garlic mixture and the rest of the ingredients. You could run it thru a food processor, but I didn't mind small bits of onion running throughout the filling. I set aside while I prepped my dough to be filled.

Lil Elle was fascinated by ravioli process!

It was so easy using the pasta machine! I am now dreaming up other recipes to make homemade noodles for! yummy! My hubby helped me fill the ravioli and seal them up. We don't have any fancy tools for cutting them so we just used a knife and fork. Since they aren't perfect I'm calling them "rustic"...that's a get out of jail free card at our house!

At this point we realized we hadn't even thought of a sauce...oopsy! I guess I got a little too involved with the pasta making process..luckily for me, I married a cooker husband! He whipped up a quick sauce that was seriously perfect with the ravioli. He really doesn't measure anything and normally can't even remember what he did, but this time he was kind enough to write it down for me!

Here's his recipe for an easy sauce!

Chunky Zucchini Tomato Sauce

1/2 onion- chopped
1/2 bulb garlic ( five or six cloves)- chopped
1/2 large zucchini or 1 small- cubed
1 can stewed tomatoes
1 tbl dried basil
1/4 cup white wine ( we actually used a moscato, because it was all we had)
salt and pepper
olive oil

Saute onion and garlic in olive oil until soft. Add dried basil, salt & pepper. Add cubed zucchini and saute until it just starts to soften. Deglaze pan with wine and add can of tomatoes. Salt and pepper to taste. Let simmer while you cook up the ravioli!

SO YUMMY! This was a perfect combo...slightly sweet from the squash, yet hearty and filling! Not to mention a totally vegetarian meal...which wasn't intentional, but still so good! We couldn't stop gushing at our kitchen brilliance and our superb teamwork! If only you could have smelled our house! I hope you try this recipe...and if you do let me know what you think!!!!

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