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The Home Depot Do-it-Herself Workshop + Virtual Party

*This Post is sponsored by The Home Depot #DIHWorkshop

If you have followed us here at Averie Lane for very long you'll know that we love to DIY ALL. THE. THINGS. so it shouldn't be a surprise that I'd be all over the opportunity to work with The Home Depot and their Do-it-Herself Workshops to build my customized version of a Rustic Wheelbarrow! 

Did you catch that "herself" part? Yea...I was all geared to pass this project off to my husband who does 90% of the grunt work around here, but then he spied that part of the title and was all like "guess this one is on you, babe. I'll grab a beer and watch this freak show happen!" (I'm not even kidding and he really did!)

The Home Depot Do-it-Herself Workshop + Virtual Party Rustic Wheelbarrow

Even though I had to figure out how to build this on my own, you don't have too! Did you know The Home Depot offers Workshops at all of their locations for do-it-yourselfers of all ages and experience levels? There are three types of Workshops offered – Do-ItYourself (DIY), Do-It-Herself (DIH) and Kids (my kids love these and if ever we don't have time to do one in the store we always grab a project to bring home with us!)  In the workshop you can learn how to build décor projects, how to make easy home repairs and how to operate tools through demonstrations and step-by-step instructions. Basically its like a real live DIY blog post or you tube video which means you can ask all the questions you need to right there as you build! Brilliant I tell you!'ll have to come back on Monday 9/12 for the DIH Workshop Virtual Party to see how my customized version of the project along with that of several other talented bloggers turned out! I'm can't wait!!

If you are interested in learning more about the workshops please visit to learn more and don't forget to register to build your own rustic wheelbarrow by clicking HERE(seriously, if I can build this so can you!)

*I acknowledge that The Home Depot is partnering with me to participate in this Workshops Program. As a part of the Program, I am receiving compensation in the form of products and services, for the purpose of promoting TheHome Depot. All expressed opinions and experiences are my own words. 

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