It didn't start off so pretty.
This is what it looked like when I snagged it at a yard sale for $5...
Pretty nasty wouldn't you say?
I would have loved to leave the color, but it was a very bad yellowish-white. I could also see that it was originally green, so painting something similar seemed like a great idea!
I lightly sanded my locker just to remove loose paint,
I chose the color Caribbean from the Be Junk Chic Paint Collection.
You can't really tell, but the center panel on the doors are a weird cardboard type material. The paint went on so smooth that it saved me from having to replace it right away! So nice!
Plus, Its the perfect blue/green color and feels very vintagey!
Normally I would have made my own paint, but after using my Be Junk paint, I'm not sure I can ever go back! It was a pretty large locker and used less than 1/2 a pint of paint. YAY!! That means I can paint more things!!!!!!!
After just two coats of paint (and about 1 hr of work - prep included!) I distressed it slightly and gave it a coat of wipe on poly. I could have waxed it, but this is in a high traffic area and I wanted a little extra durability. I will definitely be trying the wax on my next project tho!
What do you think?
Turned out pretty great, right??!!
Now, guess what, go over to my Instagram and enter to win your very own paint from Be Junk Chic!

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