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Vintage Metal Army Desk {before & after}

So since moving into our house, we've done a ton of yard sale-ing to furnish the space (you may recall my husband sold a lot of our furniture just so we wouldn't have to move it!)

Yea, so that meant we were starting from scratch...the one thing I was really going to miss was my AMAZING office at the last house. It had to stay and that meant I was on the hunt for some sort of desk.

Vintage tanker desk makeover - before and after
I spied this vintage metal army desk at a sale- it had a sign "Make Offer" on it (which can be really good or really bad) and then I noticed another sign "$10.00" 
Say what!? 
I ended up talking the owner down to $5 - mostly because it weighs about a kagillion pounds and her kids were refusing to move it again. 
Before of a vintage steel desk
You can see it was a horrible forest green color- sadly the original metal finish long gone...but I had a plan!
I knew with out a doubt what color I wanted to paint it and bought 3 cans of Krylon Jade!!
I didn't bother to prime since it already had a coat of paint. I just wiped it down and went to town. Or I should say my husband went to town...I started painting and he quickly took over. What can I say, he is way better than me! Although it ended up taking 3 more cans on top of the first three, the results were exactly what I had in mind!! 
after of steel tanker desk - Krylon Jade

Totally vintage and the perfect color!
Krylon Jade - vintage metal desk

I was so happy that the original hardware and laminate top were salvageable. The only problem we had was moving the beast up a flight of stairs! Thank goodness I married He-Man!

Vintage Metal Tanker desk makeover in Krylon Jade

Now I just need to design an office/playroom around it. 
Clearly the baby blue walls need to go...
and I have to work with the neutral carpet...
Vintage Metal Army Desk in Krylon Jade
I also need to decide if the desk should float or go against the has my computer on it now and the cords are horrendous! I can not live with it like that, but not sure what exactly to do, since I really love the back of it.
Feel free to offer up suggestions!! I need help!
Until then, here's my project totals for this makeover: 
Vintage Army Desk- $5.00
6 cans Krylon Jade Spray Paint- $22.00
$27.00 !! 
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