Its time! I can finally show off the playhouse makeover! If you remember this is what it looked like before...Playhouse Makeover BEFORE. Super cute on the outside, but just plain messy and cluttered on the inside!
I spent the entire week painting furniture, floors and chalkboards!
(WARNING : picture overload because every picture I took was so freaking adorable I was having trouble narrowing it down to just a few!)
Lets take a little tour, shall we!
As you walk in you get a lay of the land. Kitchen to the left, dining room center and living/office to right.
Overhead is a vintage light...not wired or working, purely there because its awesome. It even has minty and coral color flowers on it!
My dad built the bookcase and the fireplace mantel. My mom and I came up with the idea of painting a faux fire. I just sketched one directly on the wall and filled it in with chalkboard paint. We still have some artwork and bookshelf accessories to collect, but that will be something to be looking for at yard sales! Super fun now that we have a "theme" to shop for!
The little metal toolbox was part of our inspiration for the playhouse and the old desk my mom picked up years ago at a yard sale. I loved the weathered vintage green finish on it and it will be perfect for the kids to play school( which they love!)
I designed my floor pattern to look like vintage linoleum using PSE, but ended up changing it when I decided to quadruple the size of of the pattern. That meant I had to paint the entire floor freehand. Its a little quirky and far from perfect, but the bigger design makes my vintage pattern seem much more modern!
The catalyst for the playhouse makeover was the vintage ice cream parlor style chairs and table. It's actually a salesman's sample and is so so so perfect for this space! My mom and I almost went to blows over who got it when we saw it at a local yard sale (just kidding! I saw it first, but always knew it was meant for the playhouse!) We contemplated painting it, ( and even searched out the infamous Jade Krylon spray paint) but in the end it stayed black. It really pops against the minty green!

Now for the bestest part! The crazy cute and totally amazing kitchen!
The tall hutch was built by her dad for her when she was just a little girl. I am not sure how it managed to survive so many years and a half a dozen coats of paint, but it did! The counter top is original to the piece so we decided to work with it. I love how the black chalkboard and chairs pick up the colors of the vintage linoleum!
The sink and oven are yard sale finds and the collection of enamelware has been picked up at antique shows and yard sales in attempt to find one to fits the hole in the sink cabinet. We finally found one that we {think} will fit once my dad enlarges the hole just a bit.
Ummm...yea. I want to move in.
Or as my niece says, "you built us our dream house!"
If only you could see the excitement on the kids faces! Priceless!
Here's the colors we used in the space....
Glidden Minty Green
Tropical Coral
( although I need have a disclaimer- I mixed two quarts of tropical coral together. One was mixed with a medium base and one was mixed with a light base. So the color on the floor is lighter than the color sample by a couple shades. But, hey, the quart was $1!)
What do you think! If you have any questions leave me a comment!
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I Should Be Mopping The Floor, Three Mango Seeds, Nap-time Creations, Love Past and a Tool Belt, Classy Clutter, Pinworthy Projects- Atkinson Drive, Twigg Studios,Saturday Sharefest- SITSgirls, Suburbs Mama, A Blossoming Life, Silver Pennies, Ella Claire/ Inspiration Exchange,Shabby Art Boutique
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