I asked an old friend from high school to share her home with you and lucky for all of us she agreed! So we are going to take a little tour of her home today!! I know you are going to fall in love with her home as much as I already am!
Here's Jamie!
We are accustomed to living in small spaces. While in med school our home was 600 sq feet! After having our 3rd child and still in med school we almost doubled our square footage but still make it flow really well.
My number one rule in decorating our space is: Meaningful artwork. Man alive, I love that what my kids are looking at everyday has meaning behind them. You can see the map above our computer desk has all the states we have lived in colored.
Or you can see our family motto painted by my 7 year-old and I in our kitchen.
When designing: I keep it simple. Clutter free. It is liberating. And easy to dust:)
Everything has a purpose. Even every drawer. I love being and staying organized. I stay this way by keeping what I need and use in its place. Everything has a home, every pencil and marker, each towel and toy. That way when you need to put it back it has a place. It easier for the kids and you to keep things tidy.
Keep it big. Most of our furniture and art is BIG. I love the impact it has.
I will put two matching chairs side by side (as you can see in our kitchen and our living room) to give it more of an visual impact.
I even put a small couch in my sons teeny tiny room and it works because we don't have it crowded with toys and clutter. We have toys but again we only have enough toys for our space. So if they don't have a place they cant be in our home.
Designing our home with these rules has enabled us to live in small spaces and have it feel spacious and clean. Which keeps my mind focused on what really matters, my 3 babes.
Check out my blog if you want to see our little girls cute room, where I follow these rules with a BIG black and white stripe headboard!
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