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Happy Birthday Ellery MacKenzie!

My littlest girl turns 3 today...

haha...its always the same isn't it? We want them to grow up and can't wait for the "next" stage, but then they do and its like hold your horses kiddo!

We are in full on party prep mode here at the Koogler house. I spent most of yesterday covered in sparkles because a certain 3 year old has requested a Ballerina Sparkle Party (I will be sharing all the details next week!

We are going to have a house full of people starting Thursday as well, all because of this little peanut! She commands attention and if you met her you wouldn't be able to resist her either.

So here is Ellery MacKenzie or Kenzie or Elle or Ellie Mac...thru the last 3 years...(we are working on getting actual 3 year photos soon!)

Ellery - One day - 9 lbs 3 oz

Ellery - One week

Ellery - 6 weeks

Ellery (3 months) and Averie (7) 

Ellery - 6 Months

Ellery - One Year

Ellery - Almost 2

Ellery (2) & Everett (4 months)

Ellery - Almost 3

and I have to include this one...because it is my favorite of all time in the history of ever! It totally captures who my Ellery is! 

Happy Birthday to the little girl that changed everything about my life! 
Love you for ever and ever!

Don't miss anything....
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