Which is a good thing and means I have been knocking projects off my list left and right. I also celebrated my 30th birthday in there and had my parents come visit for a week! Who says turning 30 isn't a blast!?
Having my mom stay with me was a HUGE blessing! She helped with many of the little projects that desperately needed done( like hanging tons of baby cloths and ripping down offending border in the baby's room)! She also helped with a few projects I was too afraid to tackle on my own. One of those was my stairway photo wall... I have a very hard time committing on where to hang artwork, my mom on the other hand just goes for it! Her house is an example of how to hang art work correctly...it all makes sense and is always the right scale for its location. I don't know how she does it! I, on the other hand, way over think everything...which is why my mud room is pretty much an art work storage area. Kinda sad! SO...while she was here, I asked if she would help me hang pictures in my stairwell. I wasn't going to hang much art work until the walls and trim got painted (notice the lovely honey colored stair rail ..blah..), but I think my nesting mode makes me want our house to feel more lived in. Thankfully my mom took on the task and showed me a thing or two in the process!
I had a ton of black framed family photos and an empty one I wanted to make a sign for. We got the idea to add a few other empty frames to balance out the first one!

The most intimidating part for me was planning the layout. Mom made it simple by starting with the empty frames and then layering in the rest as we went. We didn't measure or get too perfect with it since I anticipate on adding to the arrangement as we get pictures of the new baby.
Since all the frames are the same color (those that weren't got a coat of spray paint!) it didn't seem to matter if the photos were sepia, color or black & white. We worried more about balancing the shapes of the frames so I can change the pictures whenever I want. I also added the hand painted sign...it matches the turquoise blue I have on the entry way hutch ( pictures to come of that eventually!)
I had promised the hubby I would make us a family sign over two years ago...but I always was putting it off- not quite knowing what I wanted to do. With the photo wall done I finally was out of excuses and got to work.
Since he was out of town all week I surprised him with it when he got home!
I absolutely love it!!!
If you are new to the blog, check out the fundraiser we have going on for the 2nd Annual PICU Gift Drive in memory of my daughter Averie!
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