One Room Challenge - Ellery's Granny Chic Bedroom - The REVEAL!

Today is finally the day!!

I squeaked in under the wire and got my room done last night!

Talk about cutting it close! Thank goodness my amazing husband was there to help with last minute install and to help me make final decisions (he's an awesome space planner)!
So lets start with a before - because those are always nice to reference!
Granny Chic Bedroom - Before

Blank slate and so BROWN- blah!

Then we had my design plan...which pretty much evolved into something completely different. That's what happens around here, budget and resources play a big roll in how I decorate.
If you missed any of the series, you can get caught up here:

Week 1 - The Plan
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5

Okay, so enough jibber jabbing... what do you really want to see?

The Room Reveal!
Fair warning- lots and lots of pictures to come! I will be doing a full source list in the coming days!

Granny Chic Bedroom - After

Shall we venture in for a closer look?
Let's start with the bed corner....
DIY bed, vintage headboard, vintage linens and old toolbox
DIY bed
Recovered vintage headboard, DIY bed, vintage linens and old toolbox
Vintage headboard recovered in modern fabric - I'm a child of god hand cross stitch
Custom made duvet from vintage linens
Vintage headboard , linens
Vintage Linens on DIY Bed
Old toolbox - DIY bed - vintage linens
Attic bedroom - granny chic
The dressing corner ... ( Elle gave me a ton of input on this section - she insisted all the mirrors be at her level - diva much?)
Gallery wall - Pigs, mirrors and quotes
Gallery wall- vintage mirrors and quote "though she be but little she is fierce
Gallery wall of mirrors
Piggy banks and shelf

The reading corner...
Reading corner - granny chic chair and vintage nightstand framed by gallery wall
Gallery wall, vintage lamp, ballerina canvas
Vintage nightstand and granny chic chair
Granny chic chair, vintage baby quilt and stuffed pig
Vintage nightstand - chalk paint and wallpaper
Gallery wall, Granny Chair and vintage nightstand

and finally, the dollhouse corner...
Dollhouse corner - vintage inspired dollhouse, vintage poodles and beautiful quote
Vintage Poodle and handmade bunting
Dollhouse Makeover - vintage wallpaper and scrapbook paper
Vintage Poodles and bunting
What do you think!?
I had a ton of fun working on her room and I am so happy with how everything came together! I would still like to add a room size rug (when the budget permits ), but for now, I'm just happy Ellery loves it!
I want to thank Linda from Calling It Home for putting together this amazing link party and motivating me to finish a space in my home! I loved being accountable to you all and I am so glad you were a part of this journey! 
Come back tomorrow for the full source list and cost break down for the room. I will also be putting a few DIY tutorials together in the coming weeks for things like the dollhouse and bed!
Image Map

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